Welcome to Brantford Mosque
Members of the Muslim community settled in Brant County organized themselves as “The Muslim Association of Brantford (MAB).” During the 1970s, MAB attained registered Charitable Organization status in the Province of Ontario in 1982. Since its inception, the MAB had become active in the social life of the City of Brantford. It became an active member of the Brantford International Villages Festival, and the Immigrant Settlement and Counseling Services.
The Late Muzaffar-ul-Haq was one of our active members and a Chairman of the Brantford Public Library. As well, Brother Muhammad El-Farram, the Imam in the community for 30 years is an active participant in the civic, social, political, and religious life of our city. Also, many of our members are highly qualified professionals; many of them are doctors, nurses, engineers, accountants, pharmacists, etc.
For 20 years the MAB used the Multicultural Centre in Brantford as its head office. Most of its activities including the religious ones took place at the Multicultural Centre too. In 1999, the MAB bought the property on 288 Murray Street and established it as the first Mosque in Brantford. 6 years later in April 2005, the association purchased the Masonic Lodge on 192 Greenwich Street. In the year 2008, the MAB purchased the adjacent property to the Mosque, on 200 Greenwich Street, in order that it can be utilized as an Educational and Cultural Centre in the future. By taking this ambitious step the MAB demonstrated its determination to strengthen its existence in the city of Brantford.
Brantford Mosque is owned and maintained by The Muslim Association of Brantford (MAB). The Muslim Association of Brantford is a Canadian charitable organization. It was established in 1967. However, the MAB was registered in Ontario in 1982.
Since May 2005 the MAB has established its permanent office at the following address:
Brantford Mosque
192 Greenwich Street
Ontario, Canada
N3S 2X6
Telephone (+1) 519-753-2066
The Muslim Association of Brantford hold the annual general meeting every year to elect every its board members. Society of Muslim Association of Brantford elects its President and society executives to run the day-to-day functions of the society and mosque. Both the president and the executives are collectively known as the Board Member.
Naser Hamed
Khurshid Anwar Dost
Vice President
Mazher Latif
General Secretary
Ashraf Elshy
Abeer Alawi
Elias El-Hajar
Raja Saleem
Fawad Khan
Waqar Khan Durrani
Key historic events of MAB
- During the late 1970s Br. Muzzafar Ul Haq who was living on Kent St. opened his doors to start Friday Ishaa Prayers. It was a great social event for a small Muslim community where the host served coffee and snacks to everyone who attended the prayer.
- Around 1976 the Brantford Muslim community started Arabic and Islamic weekend schools by renting spaces in various schools and community centers.
- Since 1973, when the International Villages started the Muslim Village is an integral part of this historic city event.
- Around mid of the 1970s, the Brantford Muslim community supported the first refugee family in Brantford from Ugenda.
- In 1978 Br. Muzzafar Ul Haq who was living on Kent St. opened his doors to start Friday Ishaa Prayers. It was a great social event for a small Muslim community where the host served coffee and snacks to everyone who attended the prayer.
- Br. Muhammad AlFarram moved to Brantford from Hamilton late 1970s and played a key community leader role for over 30 years with a lot of services to the local Muslim Community.
- In the early 1980s, Br. Syed Hussanian started the Friday prayers at his home every Friday for a few years.
- MAB was incorporated in 1982.
- In the late 1980s, The Muslim community rented a room at the Multicultural Center Located on Murray St and used it for daily prayers and cultural events for over 10 years. Later the property was purchased by MAB and is used for prayers and community programs.
- In 2005 the Murray street property was sold by MAB.
- In the early 1990s with the efforts of Br. Muhammad AlFarram, City of Brantford assigned the dedicated cemetery within Oakhill cemetery for the Muslim community. Brantford Muslim community is one of the few communities that have a dedicated cemetery since the 1990s.
- The current location of 192 Greenwich street was purchased by MAB under the leadership of Br. El Farram.
- Br. Rana and Br. Dost and families generously supported
Historical Events of the Muslim Association of Brantford Since the Late 1970s Based on the Recollection of Shoaib Hassan Malik.
“I Shoaib Hassan Malik, came to Canada from Pakistan back in February 1977. There was an existing Brantford Muslim Association with a few Pakistani/Indian Families (Including the “Malik” Family).
A few names I can recall are, (The Late) Mahmood Shaikh, Latif Chaudhry Family, Khurshid Anwar Dost, Rana Ayub, Br. Nooruldin Family, Mateen Butt, Qayyum Durrani Family, Syed Ibrahim Family (currently living in the Welland, Ontario Area), Syed Shamsudin Family, Tariq Khawaja Family, Aslam Shaikh Family, Br. Mukhtar, Br. Qamaruldin Ali. Although there were many other families residing in the Muslim Association of Brantford at that time, these are the few names I can currently recall.
From mid-1977 until 1978, there was no Mosque in Brantford. I remember going to the Mosque on Upper Gage St. In Hamilton, ON. to pray behind Br. Mohammed El Farram.
In 1978, there was a Pakistani Muslim Brother by the name of Muzzafar Ul Haq living on Kent St. in Brantford, Ontario (currently behind the Food Basics Plaza on King George Rd.). We started praying at Br. Muzzafar’s House during Friday Ishaa Prayers. His wife would serve coffee to everyone who attended the prayer.
After a short while, we started to alternate locations and perform our prayers at different Brothers’ Houses for roughly a year.
I believe in 1980, we had an Egyptian Brother, Syed Hussanian (WAOF). The majority of people would gather at his home for Friday Juma Prayers. We would continue this trend for about 3 years.
Later on (I can’t recall the year), we started renting an individual room at the Multicultural Center Located on Murray St. in Brantford, Ontario. We had moved our Prayer Locations to this Room.
Br. Mohammed El Farram moved from Hamilton, ON. to Brantford, ON. May almighty Allah give him Jaza for everything that he has done for this Muslim Community of Brantford.
We had continued to pray in the rented room for a few years. The property eventually went on sale, and the Muslim Association grabbed that opportunity with the help of Almighty Allah & the generosity of the Members of the Muslim Association of Brantford like Br. Dost & Br. Rana.
With the help of other members of the community, I would like to specifically like to mention the name of Br. Mohammed El Farram. His efforts are commendable to our Brantford Community.
Thanks to Almighty Allah, we started praying daily 5 times a day at the building located at Murray St. in Brantford, ON that we could proudly call Our Mosque. I can’t remember the exact dates, but we owned that location for approximately 8-9 years.
From time to time, we would rent larger locations in Hamilton, ON. Cambridge, ON. for Eid Congregations.
In 2005, the building which is our current Mosque went on sale. Again, with the help and extreme generosity of all the Members of the Brantford Muslim Community and a lot of effort from Br. Mohammed El Farram, we were able to sell our property on Murray St, and Purchase the property on Greenwich St. which we can proudly say is the House of Almighty Allah.”
Shoaib Hassan Malik